Minnesota Severance Agreement Attorney
Maximizing the terms of your severance package can have a significant impact on your financial and occupational future in the event you chose to leave your employment willingly or under less favorable circumstances.
When negotiating the terms of your package with an employer, it is always wise to have an experienced attorney on your side to ensure a fair outcome for you and your loved ones.
Give the office of Holden Law Firm a call to see the difference we can make when it comes to negotiating severance packages and ensuring a fair and proper terms have been met.
Negotiating A Severance Package To Protect Your Interests
No matter if you’re leaving your current employment willingly or by unexpected means, it is imperative you protect yourself and your family by leveraging the maximum return for your years of hard work.
Having an advocate on your side who knows how to negotiate in your favor can mean a considerable difference in what your current employer will offer in your severance package.
Holden Law Firm has decades of experience working with executives, managers, and other high-level employees throughout Minnesota when it comes to negotiating exceptional severance packages that capitalize on the benefits they receive upon separation.
Before signing away your rights on any severance agreement offered upfront by the company, contact Holden Law and speak to an experienced employment attorney to ensure you will receive the best possible return for your years of hard work and dedication.
Understanding Your Severance Agreement And Benifits
Even if your employer has chosen to end your tenure, it is imperative you utilize this moment to safeguard your future by having your severance agreement reviewed by an experienced attorney to ensure you are not releasing claims or benefits you may be entitled to.
If you have questions about the terms of a proposed severance agreement or would like help negotiating the terms of your departure, please contact Holden Law Firm or call us at (952) 943-3960 for a consultation.
Minnesota Employment Attorney
John C. Holden, Esq.
Holden Law Firm
12800 Whitewater Drive, Suite 100
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Over 30 Years Experience
Minnesota Severance
Agreement Attorney
Maximizing the terms of your severance package can have a significant impact on your financial and occupational future in the event you chose to leave your employment willingly or under less favorable circumstances.
When negotiating the terms of your package with an employer, it is always wise to have an experienced attorney on your side to ensure a fair outcome for you and your loved ones.
Give the office of Holden Law Firm a call to see the difference we can make when it comes to negotiating severance packages and ensuring a fair and proper terms have been met.
Negotiating A Severance Package
To Protect Your Interests
No matter if you’re leaving your current employment willingly or by unexpected means, it is imperative you protect yourself and your family by leveraging the maximum return for your years of hard work.
Having an advocate on your side who knows how to negotiate in your favor can mean a considerable difference in what your current employer will offer in your severance package.
Holden Law Firm has decades of experience working with executives, managers, and other high-level employees throughout Minnesota when it comes to negotiating exceptional severance packages that capitalize on the benefits they receive upon separation.
Before signing away your rights on any severance agreement offered upfront by the company, contact Holden Law and speak to an experienced employment attorney to ensure you will receive the best possible return for your years of hard work and dedication.
Understanding Your Severance
Agreement And Benifits
Even if your employer has chosen to end your tenure, it is imperative you utilize this moment to safeguard your future by having your severance agreement reviewed by an experienced attorney to ensure you are not releasing claims or benefits you may be entitled to.
If you have questions about the terms of a proposed severance agreement or would like help negotiating the terms of your departure, please contact Holden Law Firm or call us at (952) 943-3960 for a consultation.
Minnesota Employment Attorney
John C. Holden, Esq.
Holden Law Firm
12800 Whitewater Drive, Suite 100
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Over 30 Years Experience
Severance Agreement - FAQ
Should you have additional questions about your severance agreement or rights as an employee, give Holden Law Firm a call to schedule a phone consultation to go over your situation. Safeguard your rights before signing.
What is a Severance Agreement?
A severance agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee. In most situations, the employee will be giving up his or her right to sue the employer and the employee will be provided additional compensation, benefits or other consideration for giving up this right. The employer and employee can agree on other issues as well such as covenants to not compete, confidentiality agreements and non-solicitation agreements. By signing the contract, both the employer and the employee demonstrate their intent to be bound by the terms of the agreement and resolving any disputes between them and agree to terminate the employment relationship.
Am I Entitled to a Severance Package?
An employee is not entitled to a severance agreement and an employer has no obligation to offer one in most cases. In some situations a two week severance may be enough incentive for an employee to sign a release and give the employer an assurance that the employee will not sue the employer. When there are complicating factors in a termination a release is worth something to the employer to know the matter is resolved. If the employee is in a protected class, has been out on leave such as FMLA or requested leave, filed a workers’ compensation claim or made some complaint against the company than the employer may want to put closure to the situation with a severance agreement.
Are Severance Packages Beneficial to Employers?
Absolutely. Entering into a severance agreement can be the most cost-effective, least disruptive, and prudent business decision that an employer can make. Since attorneys’ fees can be awarded in employment cases it doesn’t make sense to pay an outside attorney to litigate these matters and end up also paying the employee’s attorney.
Do I have to sign a Severance Agreement?
No. A separation agreement is a contract, and an employer can’t force an employee to sign a severance agreement. To be enforceable an employee must be given reasonable amount of time to consider the agreement and should be given an opportunity to consult with an attorney before signing the agreement.
Contact A Twin Cities Severance Agreement Attorney
Contact A Twin Cities
Severance Agreement Attorney
The terms of your severance agreement are not written in stone. Before accepting your severance agreement package or before signing a severance agreement, contact Holden Law today for a consultation.