Employee Handbook Review, Updating, and Drafting
For over 30-years, John Holden has been helping small and medium size businesses draft, and update their employee handbooks to ensure the information within meets legal requirements and protects the business from legal liability. One of the key aspects of running a business and employing workers is communicating your company’s policies and procedures in a way that can be easily accessed by anyone within the organization.
Protect Your Business By Creating Or Updating An Employee Handbook
There is no law requiring that you have an employee handbook, but an employee handbook can be very helpful in documenting all your policies in one place and making your policies consistent with State and Federal law. An employee handbook should be tailored to the employer and should not be borrowed from another organization. Failure to create or maintain a well-drafted employee handbook can be a liability to the employer.
You have policies and procedures, but they may be in the form of memos or statements to employees. Rather than assume that the employees know the company policies and procedures, it is good practice to organize these policies in one place documenting you have communicated these policies and procedures to the employees in and Employee Handbook.
Please contact us now so we can create or update your employee handbook.
Benefits to Updating Your Employee Handbook
- Protection from legal liability.
- Proper distribution of company information.
- Ensure legal responsibilities are met.
Minnesota Employment Attorney
John C. Holden, Esq.
Holden Law Firm
12800 Whitewater Drive, Suite 100
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Over 30 Years Experience
Employee Handbook Review,
Updating, and Drafting
For over 30-years, John Holden has been helping small and medium size businesses draft, and update their employee handbooks to ensure the information within meets legal requirements and protects the business from legal liability. One of the key aspects of running a business and employing workers is communicating your company’s policies and procedures in a way that can be easily accessed by anyone within the organization.
Protect Your Business By
Creating Or Updating
An Employee Handbook
There is no law requiring that you have an employee handbook, but an employee handbook can be very helpful in documenting all your policies in one place and making your policies consistent with State and Federal law. An employee handbook should be tailored to the employer and should not be borrowed from another organization. Failure to create or maintain a well-drafted employee handbook can be a liability to the employer.
You have policies and procedures, but they may be in the form of memos or statements to employees. Rather than assume that the employees know the company policies and procedures, it is good practice to organize these policies in one place documenting you have communicated these policies and procedures to the employees in and Employee Handbook.
Please contact us now so we can create or update your employee handbook.
Benefits to Updating Your
Employee Handbook
- Protection from legal liability.
- Proper distribution of company information.
- Ensure legal responsibilities are met.
Minnesota Employment Attorney
John C. Holden, Esq.
Holden Law Firm
12800 Whitewater Drive, Suite 100
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Over 30 Years Experience
Employee Handbooks - FAQ
Should you have additional questions about your employee handbooks or rights as an employer, give Holden Law Firm a call to schedule a consultation to go over your situation.
What is an Employee Handbook?
An employee handbook outlines a company’s policies, procedures and gives guidance the employee and managers on how to comply with State and Federal employment laws.
The Employee Handbook gives guidance to both the manager and employee on what behavior is expected and how to handle numerous different situations. While there is no legal requirement for employers to have an Employee Handbook if is essential for running a successful small business once you have more than a few employees.
For most companies, an Employee Handbook serves the purpose of compiling and distributing important information to employees, while also offering protection to the company by including information that’s both required by law and necessary for protecting the against legal liability.
What should be in an Employee Handbook?
There are certain subjects that should be in your employee handbook depending on the type of business and the number of employees, and what your practices have been in the past. One item that is essential is a disclaimer that the handbook is not a contract of employment and does not change the employee-at-will relationship. This disclaimer is important if you don’t want your handbook to be a contract of employment.
The next item in the employee handbook is a description of the company’s business and a mission statement to communicate the culture of the company and what is important to the company. The handbook can be a tool to explain to employees what the big picture of the company is and what it is trying to accomplish. Once these preliminary provisions are drafted, the next step is to document employment policies and procedures that govern the daily operations of the company.
How often should Employee Handbook be reviewed to make sure it is up to date?
For those employers who have employee handbooks, it is important to annually review them to ensure they are up to date. Employment laws constantly change and it is important to review the handbook so it is in compliance with the latest State and Federal laws. An annually updated employee handbook will provide you with the proper legal defenses in case you are sued in an employment law case. Employee handbooks won’t guarantee that you will not be sued in an employment lawsuit, but they can help you avoid lawsuits and assist in defending you if they are used properly.
If your managers are informed and understand the employee handbook and your employees are informed about the rules and expectations of them, then you will have gone a long way in avoiding employment law disputes. Many employment law disputes occur because of a lack of communication and misunderstandings. If you take the time to actually place your personnel policies in a handbook and educate your managers and employees about the policies, it’s more likely you will do a better job of keeping your employees informed of what is expected of them and avoid miscommunications that lead to disputes.
Should small businesses have an Employee Handbook?
Employee handbooks are essential for the growth and success of a Small Business. They must, however, be properly written and updated on a regular basis to be successful. Want to get started on building your new Employee Handbook give Employment Attorney John Holden a call today.
Contact A Minnesota Employee Handbooks Attorney
Contact A Minnesota Employee
Handbooks Attorney
Learn more about employee handbooks and how best to properly write or update your handbook by giving Holden Law Firm a call today.